Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Theros Primer #6: Green

  Hi, i'm Beusapu and i'm gonna make the green Theros primer, since Brick prefers writing the interesting articles, like the one about 2-color uncommon (coming soon!).

In my opinion, green is tied with blue for the best color in draft. It has some problems, and it lacks some removal, but it has the biggest creatures and most efficient mana fixing.

Just like in M14, green has the best power-CMC relation. We have huge commons and uncommons, and also a lot of ramp.

The most important of green is that it's exactly the opposite of white: Our commons are very efficient, and we'll be getting playable commons most of the time.

The best example of this is Nessian Asp. At 5 mana, we get a 4/5 creature with reach. That's much better than the classic "spiders", and it's awesome when we need a wall, or when we need a beater. The Monstrosity will make i the best creature in the table, by far.

Other efficient bodies are Nessian Courser, Leafcrown Dryad, Agent of Horizons (very good with blue and Bestow) and Vulpine Goliath. Another two commons that are very good are Staunch-Hearted Warrior and Sedge Scorpion. The Warrior is very good with Heroic enablers, specially in the GW deck, and the scorpion works well against huge creatures (which are everywhere, even in blue). Voyaging Satyr is very good, it ramps to monstrosity, and gives access to double costs easily.

Our removal includes the great Time to Feed, Shredding Winds, and also good enchantment removal, which is perfectly maindeckable.

Most uncommons follow the same pattern: Efficient beaters with reasonable costs, like Centaur Battlemaster, Nemesis of Mortals, Nylea's Emissary and Pharika's Mender (not monoG, but worth a splash).

Finally, a quick guide about the best green archetypes:

-GW heroic. Awesome, and much better than UW heroic. We have the growing heros, good heroic enablers, and Chronicler of Heroes, which is great.

-UG tempo: Green gives us the big, cheap guys, and blue the tempo spells. Voyage's End, Griptide and Horizon Chimera are the best cards blue gives to us.

-GR aggro: Green and red have the best creatures at common and uncommon, and red gives us the best removal. We have lots of combat tricks, and our creatures will be always the biggest.

-Black: Well, black is the weakest color probably. It has good removal, and Pharika's Mender, so i recommend splashing it into two-color decks with green. We have the commons Voyaging Satyr and Nylea's Presence, so it's gonna be easy to get the black mana.

- Beusapu


  1. i dunno, the White/Blue heroic decks is quite a bit faster then the green/white version and blue spells are much better then greens. at aiding us.

    1. The UW deck, while being faster, it's much more all-in and fragile. You don't have many good creatures outside the heros, while green gives you awesome support creatures at common. Anyway, we're gonna post an article about UW and GW, and we can discuss them.
