Saturday, September 21, 2013

Theros Primer #5: Red

Hi, i'm Beusapu and i'm gonna talk you about drafting the best color ever: RED.
Actually, i don't think it is the best color for Theros draft, which is tied between blue and green, but it has the bees removal and some good creatures.

The red emissary is a very good card. As a creature, he's a great target for auras.
As a bestow, he'll make one of the biggest threats in the table, and it requires too blockers every turn, which is a very high cost if the opponent doesn't want to take a bunch of damage.

The cost is a bit high (7 mana), but we're being able to give evasion to an already big creature (and with all the monstrosities, we should have some).

The ordeal is also very good. While we don't have a lot of heroic creatures, but this card offers a Lightnig Bolt stapled to a Giant Growth. It also works well with monstrosity.

But what makes red a really good choice is the removal. This set doesn't have a lot of removal, and most of it is slow and expensive. We have Lightning Strike and Magma Jet, two cheap and effective options. And we also have Rage of Purphoros, to deal with bigger creatures.

We also have really good commons. Ill-Tempered Cyclops has solid stats on its own (a 3/3 trampler for 4), but the monstrosity gives it the possibility to impact the board at any time of the game.
Portent of Betrayal is also a good common. This format is full of huge creatures such as monstrosities, and being able to steal them is much better than usual.

One of the things i like from red in this format is that red is a very splashable color. It works really well paired with blue or green, as it gives you something those colors lack: good removal.

 And finally, for those who want to go to the prerelease, our promo:

- Beusapu

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