Saturday, September 14, 2013

Theros Primer #2: White

With the prerelease just next week and with all the 249 cards of Theros now revealed, I'll be discussing the colors one by one, and sharing my views on their playability and chase commons those colors entail.

 At the very beginning of the color pie, we have white, which has some relevant creatures at uncommon and rare, and the prerelease promo is just brilliant. A very versatile card, and it's bestow could be a blowout if the games go long as they look to be. Theros limited looks like a drawn-out and long limited, possibly lasting 14+ turns.

 White also has possibly the very best Ordeal, Ordeal of Heliod.

 This card, once it reaches three +1/+1 counters, gives you a massive tempo swing, unmatched by any of the other Ordeals. Not only does it leave you with a creature with a permanent Giant Growth on it, it lets you outlast your opponent quite efficiently.

Another card that catches my eye in white is Heliod's Emissary, a Canyon Minotaur with an amazing upside.

 Not only is he an efficiently costed 3/3, he also has one of the most combat-positive abilities of the uncommon Emissary cycle, making your opponents unable to leave up good blockers.

 The problem with white in this format, is it's rather weak low end commons. It faces a similar dilemma to white in M14, with it's rares and uncommons quite brilliant, but with it's low end with much to be desired. This seems to be far more pronounced in Theros, with low-end creatures being outshone in every other color. The only commons I can see that might make any difference are the common heroic enablers, namely  Battlewise Valor and Gods Willing, as well as the most potent removal in the set, Divine Verdict. Setessan Griffin could prove to be worthwhile in WG decks, but not otherwise. Aside from these cards, white is quite weak. Since it's low end leaves much to be desired, steering clear of white as a central color is suggested, however it's still to be seen how it does in prerelease and in drafts to come. 

 Keep in mind that this is just an initial impression, and that I could be wrong. As always, have fun drafting!


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