Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Theros Primer #3: Blue

Contrary to my first belief, Theros draft seems to be a bit on the quicker side, however slower than GTC, which makes it a pretty fun format all round.

 Blue seems to be one of the strongest colors all around, having Thassa's Emissary, a Scroll Thief probably on steroids.

This card does a lot of work in draft, being rather large in blue, supported by a well-placed Griptide reprint, and Voyage's End, two of the most potent tempo/removal in Theros draft. Why I categorize them as removal is because of all the auras we seem to see, and these are hard counters to those cards. Blue also has a brilliant Ordeal, pictured below.

 This card, paired with any given heroic, does immense amounts of work. Blue is best usually paired with green, discussed later this week, hopefully. Blue also has possibly the most game-winning uncommon in this format, given you have enough mana, or end up in a stalemate.

 In this format, I recommend just one of these in your deck, at the very most. Any more and you clog your hand with costly unplayables, and are likely to be aggro'd out quickly. This card is a potential game winner, and knocks your opponent right out of the water, literally. Blue is usually best in support, despite it's extremely good common/uncommon base, since it doesn't have quick enough turn 3/ turn 4 plays which are quite important in this format. Turn 3 is where the crux of your game builds, in my opinion. Blue is certainly a color you want to at least splash in this format, being quite brilliant with good common removal, and decent uncommons that are sure to make your deck competitive.

Until next time, have fun drafting Theros!


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