Hi, readers (if someone's still there), I'm Beusapu. After six days of inactivity, we finally got time to write. I'm gonna talk about some decks i've been testing in the new standard, with different success. Keep in mind that most of them are a bit unpolished, and i'm not gonna write a long guide about them, the goal is to discuss possible new archetypes and roguedecks.
During last standard, Junk (BGW) reanimator decks dominated for a long time. Unburial Rites bringing back Thragtusk and Angel of Serenity created a lot of value and card advantage, specially against aggro. But many key cards of the deck have rotated, specially our reanimation spell, Unburial Rites, so... how is it possible to keep the monsters coming? The answer is simple:Junk Whip Reanimator
1 Putrefy
4 Forest
3 Swamp
SB: 1 Sin Collector
SB: 2 Lifebane Zombie
SB: 1 Hero's Downfall
SB: 1 Blood Baron of Vizkopa
SB: 1 Underworld Connections
SB: 3 Thoughtseize
SB: 2 Golgari Charm
SB: 1 Ashen RiderSB: 2 Obzedat's Aid
This deck has a similar gameplan to the reanimator decks from last season. It's a midrange deck, with cheap mana producers, cards like Loxodon Smiter to put pressure on the early game, and a graveyard package consisting on 2 Grisly Salvage and 4 Commune with the Gods. The main difference is that here our reanimation spells won't just fall to the graveyard like Unburial Rites did, we need to have a Whip in play if we want to get value (that's why the list plays 4 Commune with the Gods).
Once we get Whip online, we can start getting a lot of value and grinding our opponents. Obzedat, Ghost Council works perfectly with the Whip (once we get him back, we can exile him and get him as a "normal" creature), and we can get many ETB effects.
An interesting spot is the 4-drop creature. I've chosen Reaper of the Wilds over Desecration, simply because it's infinitelly better against aggro decks, and it's more resilient against control.
Our best matchup is probably aggro. The lifelink from Whip makes it impossible to race us, and our creatures will be big enough to hold our opponent's hordes. Against control, we can enter the "fatty mode", and start dropping bombs every turn, and recovering them with whip later. The matchup against Mono Black devotion is tough, and games get really grindy, but we have helpful cards in the side.
Our next deck is a midrange deck that can generate absurd amounts of mana, and kill with a huge army of creatures:Big Bant:
Creatures:4 Sylvan Caryatid
4 Elvish Mystic
2 Voyaging Satyr
2 Scavenging Ooze
2 Prime Speaker Zegana
3 Prophet of Kruphix
3 Polukranos, World Eater
2 Kalonian Hydra
2 Sphinx's Revelation
4 Temple of Mystery
4 Breeding Pool
3 Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx
4 Forest
1 Island
4 Temple Garden
3 Selesnya Guildgate
2 Plains
SB: 1 Scavenging Ooze
SB: 3 Mistcutter Hydra
SB: 2 Cyclonic Rift
SB: 3 Detention Sphere
SB: 3 Ready // Willing
SB: 3 Negate
Our biggest problem, as you probably have noticed, are board wipes. UW and esper control are awful matchups, and we need 3 copies of Ready // Willing or Rootborn Defenses in the side if we don't want to see all our creatures killed by one Supreme Verdict. Our aggro matchup is good, obviously much better on the play. MonoU devotion can be a problem sometimes, since we don't have enough maindeck removal. The deck is a bit fragile, but it's fun to play and it can win epic games.
This is the classic midrange deck using big creatures, good removal, and hand disruption. It's an effective deck, the best example of a "fair" deck that can win against any opponent.Jund Midrange:
Creatures:4 Sylvan Caryatid
4 Elvish Mystic
3 Reaper of the Wilds
4 Forest4 Overgrown Tomb
1 Swamp
4 Temple of Abandon
4 Blood Crypt
4 Stomping Ground
3 Rakdos Guildgate
SB: 3 Lifebane Zombie
SB: 2 Underworld Connections
SB: 3 Golgari Charm
SB: 1 Doom Blade
SB: 2 Mistcutter Hydra
SB: 3 Flames of the Firebrand
SB: 1 Hero's Downfall
We have 8 mana dorks, and a lot of high impactful 4-drops. Our removal and discard package has the best options avalible: Hero's Downfall, Thoughtseize, and Rakdos's Return. It might be confusing that we're running Mizzium Mortars over Dreadbore, but it has the option of becoming a wipe, and it also kills Blood Baron of Vizkopa. Doom Blade is a good option too, and it depends on the metagame you're expecting.
Our last deck today is, like the title says, a glass cannon. It can win extremelly fast, even on turn 4, but it's also easy to disrupt.The gameplan is to use creatures that reward us for casting spells, cypher cards, and cheap removal/disruption. Our key creatures are Nivmagus Elemental, Akroan Crusader, and Young Pyromancer. One of our best starts is a turn 1 Crusader, followed by Hidden Strings or Trait Doctoring. Now, we can encode our cypher spell on the haste token, and swing for another effect. Add Nivmagus or Pyromancer, and you just get an army that will make any monoR deck feel ashamed.
UR Glass Cannon:
Creatures:4 Young Pyromancer
4 Nivmagus Elemental
4 Akroan Crusader
4 Hidden Strings
4 Quicken
5 Island
5 Mountain
4 Steam Vents
4 Izzet Guildgate
SB: 2 Mizzium Skin
SB: 3 Izzet Staticaster
SB: 2 Frostburn Weird
SB: 1 Island
SB: 3 Negate
SB: 1 Izzet Charm
SB: 3 Spellheart Chimera
Trait Doctoring might look a little clunky, and in fact, the whole deck is a bit clunky. But it's awesome when it works, and all our creatures have synergy with it. The deck is obviously fragile. We have only 16 creatures, and sometimes our turn 1 Nivmagus dies to a Shock and we have nothing to do. 18 lands is the correct number, as all our maindeck cards cost 2 or less, and we have another land in the side if we side in our 3 drops.
The rest of the deck includes cheap removal spells, like Lightning Strike or Mizzium Mortars, and disruption. Spell Rupture isn't Mana Leak, but with Nivmagus Elemental it can be even better, and it's great at stopping early blockers. Keep in mind that Hidden Strings can let you have the mana untapped for the counterspell.
Well, that's all for now. I hope you liked the decks, and we'd like you to suggest us your ideas and discuss how to improve the decks!
Have fun playing!