Monday, October 7, 2013

Sample drafted deck: UG tempo

Hi! For today, we've brought an article about a deck, made by a guest writer. If you want to send us your articles or decklists, feel free to contact us and ask to be a guest writer!

PhEnOm here. I had the pleasure this week of drafting a very different deck that what i'm used to: UG.
The deck did a lot of tricks and had tempo card, and it usually had great board position. I've included the relevant cards in the side, too.

1 Prognostic Sphinx 1 Triton Fortune Hunter




There are 4 bomb rares in the deck, 3 of which I opened. Mistcutter Hydra was passed to me pick 3 of pack 3. The guy to my right was black red. I had fed him a Magma and Strike in pack 2. So I knew he was there. Afterwards, he told me he took a red ordeal over the hydra.

Another interesting thing is that there is a Stymied Hopes in the maindeck. While building I noticed an alarming number of attacking surprise cards. Instant speed dudes, and the fact that I had instant hidden blockers all over the place.

After the draft, I found out that I was the lone green drafter in the 8 man pod. I took green and gave no one near me any reason to even think of pursing green (card shipped pick 2 was shredding vines, it tabled). Also i noticed that the blue I was shipping to my left was not very impressive. So, when I saw a 5th pick Horizon Scholar, I started to move in, then a Voyage's End made me definitelly go into blue.

About playing the deck, Savage Surge was an all star. It was a green doom blade in every way. I drop guy on 2 or 3, swing and pass turn. They swing and... Whoops! Instant blocker! The same went for Triton Tactics. The card is very powerful. Also note the high amount of early scry the deck has. I literaly was just saying cheat instead of scry each time, since I scryed a ton. I was literaly stacking my deck most games.There were no bad cards in this deck, and I would like to point out what it showed me.

Triton Fortune Hunter helped me a lot. While not pumping or helping the board state, drawing for every trick is awesome. For Stymied Hopes, this is the 3rd time I have played this card now. It is not as horrible as I had thought. It literay kills a curve and allows me to scry into my turn. That seems like so little but just an idea on what it did for me, it saved my guys from divine verdicts, it stoped a t5 elspeth, and it countered a very scary Rescue from the Underworld that would have killed me. Nessian Courser is simple but good. He stops early attackers, doesn't die to Magma Jet or Pharika's Cure, and helps a lot to the boardstate. 

May all your opponents be mana screwed when you need to win big. PhEnOm out.

(edited by Beusapu)

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