Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Introducing M14 Draft

 Hey all, I'm Brick and I moderate at Cockatrice, and I want to help new players as well as seasoned, battle-scarred veterans play limited as best I can. I hope you enjoy it!

  Now, M14 draft is a rather engaging limited environment, with a lot of fun two card synergies and even decks built around them. This draft format is primarily a midrange deal, and you can expect games to end within 8~10 turns, if the boardstates don't clog up. By which I mean that the battlefield isn't choked with creatures and both players reaching an impasse, and without a potentially game-changing topdeck, the game isn't going to swing either way. Now, another rather important fact about M14 is that the rare cards are not always higher in card quality than the uncommons or occasionally the commons, even more so than earlier formats. Don't hesitate to pick up the uncommons just because there's a foil Windreader Sphinx in the pack!

   I've classified M14 draft archetypes by the premier common or uncommon played heavily in those decks, and I'll discuss those in later posts.


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