Quag Sickness. A card that, like many other cards in M14 draft, rewards us for staying strongly black (or even better, mono black). One of the most effective removal spells, in the color with the most removal, is definitely worth staying monoblack.
This archetype isn't something you can draft all the time. It's important to read the signals well, and if you see that not enough black cards are passing, you should start to pick another color.
But then, I said Quag Sickness isn't the only card that rewards us for staying black. What are the others? The most obvious is Corrupt. Having one or two in our deck will make our topdecks much better. Quag is great removal, Corrupt just unbalances games. But there are also some rares we are always going to pick for this deck: Nightmare is gonna be the biggest creature in the table, needing an immediate answer or closing out the game. The good thing is that those cards aren't usually high picks (a nightmare in a two color deck will be 4/4 most of the time), so it's easy to see when our archetype is open.
Other cards you want to see in this deck are additional good removal, like Liturgy of Blood and Doom Blade, and creatures with evasion. Black gives us one of the best, Sengir Vampire, which is very difficult to see passing. The Gnawing Zombie/Blood Bairn + Tenacious Dead is also available, and it becomes much better if we're lucky enough to pull a Dark Prophecy. The best creature is Accursed Spirit. This common guy is very hard to block and a good clock on its own, but we're in the color of Mark of the Vampire (and also Dark Favor), and the possible card disadvantage of a removal spell is a risk you should take. The auras are also good with Vampire Warlord. Wring Flesh is a decent late pick, it kills almost anything a Shock could kill.
Our opponents will have it very difficult to race us, since we have early creatures like Child of the Night, and very good removal. Deathgaze Cockatrice is also a decent creature, more defensive than offensive.
This color also has very good rares. Liliana's Reaver are Lifebane Zombie both P1P1.
Bogbrew Witch is a complicated card, and it's only gonna work if you get enough Festering Newts to support her.
Drafting the deck
The most difficult thing with this deck is to know when to draft it. If you're getting all the good black cards, then it's gona be great, but if you see you're having to pick Sliver Construct or Minotaur Abomination cause there's nothing black, you should really go for the Blood Bairn archetype and add red, forcing monoblack won't be good.
Our first picks are gonna be "good stuff" cards. Sengir Vampire, all the good removal spells, and corrupt are high picks. Seeing Accursed Spirit in picks 4-6 is often a good thing, and so is Mark of the Vampire or Vampire Warlord.
One important thing is to get as many copies as we can of the good cards, specially Quag Sickness or corrupt. These cards are the real reward for staying monocolored, and without them we'll just have a mediocre aggro deck. Of course, if you see obvious signals of another color being totally open, don't fear to go for it.
The cards we pass are also important. If your first booster has two good black cards and you suspect the other guy is gonna 2nd pick the good card you didn't take, then you might have to look for another plan.
Another interesting variation of the deck is going all-in with the Accursed Spirit and the auras, if you have Fireshrieker, good evasive creatures and a bunch of auras. It's very vulnerable to removal, but when you live the dream (and by living the dream i mean attacking with an 8/5 with fear and lifelink).
Playing the deck
The deck isn't specially fast, so we're gonna work like a midrange-control deck: drop some creatures, kill early threats with Wring Flesh and use Quag Sickness on the bigger guys (Rumbling Baloth, or the two blue Servants). Use your removal wisely, just because a flying creature is dealing you 2 damage every turn it's not enough reason to kill it, cause later in the game the big guys will come. Also, don't fear going to low life, Corrupt will refill your life and put you in a better position. We usually need few creatures to win the game. Accursed Spirit is a very good clock for games where nobody can attack, we can even win with a Deathgaze Cockatrice with Mark of the Vampire, for example.
Opening hands and mulliganing
Good hands include 3-5 lands. We're gonna be casting expensive spells, and 2 land hands are usually mull. It's quite easy to see when a hand is good, specially when you know you have game-breaking topdecks.
And that's all. Black is a color that works very well alone, and it's fun to see how the opponent blames our good topdeck luck just because we got the Corrupt again, the turn they were gonna kill us. Feel free to comment about things I might have missed, and have fun!
- Beusapu